Saturday, January 4, 2014

Welcome to Makin' The Fat Cry! Here, you will follow along on my journey to health and fitness. My family will be joining me in many of my endeavors. We're gonna have a good time!

I'm Jennifer. I recently quit smoking. I also recently quit sugar and all processed "white" carbs. I am a Virgo, so I'm a bit of a control freak. I curse. A lot. I'm a Pagan, so there will be references to Goddesses. I'm a mom. I got lucky and got one of the special ones. My daughter, "T-Rex" is living with Asperger's Syndrome and ADHD. She is a freshman in high school here in Austin, TX. I also have a son "Li'l C", who lives with his father in Virginia. He is in middle school. It's hard to believe I'm the mother of a 14 year old since I'm pretty much a 13 year old on the inside!

I am becoming very passionate about exercise. I enjoy a wide variety of activities. We'll get into that in future posts.

I recently married the baddest dude on the planet! I have known him for 20 years. He remembers when I was a string bean in flannel back in the 90's. We'll call him. . . "Nacho".

Why call it "Makin' The Fat Cry" you ask? That is what we call SWEATIN', my friends! When we make the fat cry, we are workin' on our fitness! Whether we're hiking in the hills, running on the treadmill, lifting in the gym, or doing jump squats and wall balls, as long as you're sweatin' you're gettin' it done!

I am here to tell you stories. Some of them will be funny. Some of them may make you cry. . . Unless you're a soulless monster. . . I'll tell you about my struggles with chronic pain and fatigue. I'll tell you about the funny shit Nacho and T-Rex talk about. I'll tell you about what I cook and EAT. I love to eat! I'll tell you about my adventures in exercise. And I'll tell you about how I stay motivated and inspired.

So, welcome! And let's go make some fat cry, bitches!

Blessed Be
